Error codes for transfer disbursements

Know about common mistakes in money transfer disbursements

In case there is a problem with a transfer disbursement, the Kushki API will return an error code and message. The following is an example of a message returned by the Kushki API:

{"responseCode": "002",
"responseText": "Format error in amount"}

Codes returned by Kushki for transfer disbursement

In case there is a problem with a transfer disbursement, the Kushki API will return an error code and message.

CodeMessage (Spanish)Description
PT001Cuerpo de la petición inválido.Check that the information sent is in accordance with the documentation.
PT007El comercio no existeMerchant doesn’t exist. Please enter a valid merchant id.
PT008El comercio no existeMerchant doesn’t exist. Please enter a valid merchant id.
PT0013Número de documento no válidoInvalid document number
PT0015Número de cuenta inválidoInvalid account number
PT057La moneda enviada es diferente a la definida por el procesador.Check sent currency.

For Peru, there is the approved code 006. Below, we show the possible error messages returned in the responseText field.

006Cuenta destinatario inhabilitada para recibir abonos
006Cuenta de beneficiario incorrecta
006Cuenta de beneficiario cerrada
006Monto excede máximo permitido
006Servicio no disponible
006Saldo insuficiente
006Banco de beneficiario incorrecto
006Error de procesamiento
006Mensaje de BCP en el archivo
006Identificación de beneficiario incorrecta
006Cuenta e identificación de beneficiario no coinciden
006Declinado por el procesador