Get a list of your transactions with helpful information for your operation. Apply filters for better results.
This service is available for integrations via Cloud terminal API, App-to-app, Terminal SDK and Raw card-present API.
Make any adjustments to your system by testing in a dev
development environment. Remember that no real transactions will be processed in this environment.
When ready, you can switch to the live
environment to process real transactions.
Environment | Base Url | Availability |
dev | | Cloud Terminal API, App to app and Terminal SDK |
dev | | Raw Card-Present API |
live | | Cloud Terminal API, App to app y Terminal SDK |
live | | Raw Card-Present API |
Cloud terminal API, App to app and Terminal SDK
It is necessary to generate an application token through the Get token endpoint to request the API. If the request is correct, you will obtain the application token, which you must use when obtaining the transaction list.
Token request example:
{"token": "48d8fc2257eb61d4814e9cae3fd7385dfedf51133017b35f7a86d113620da413"}
Response example:
{"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInC5cCI6LppXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX3Rva2VuIjoiNDhkOGZjMjI1N2VjNjFkNDgzNGU5Y2FlM2ZkNzM4NgRmXWRmNTExOTQ8MTdiMzVmN2E4NmQxMTM2MjBkYTQxMyIsImlhdCI6MTY5NDQ3Mjc2NywiZXhwIjoxNak0NDb2Mzs3fQ.KWgOEItUQhjWQR1gp8-lU1CjugQCVRMd4_lHXGGkDac"}
Please review the api reference for more information.
Transaction list
Get the list of transactions in a specific date range. By default, 100 items are returned per request but you can configure up to a maximum of 600 items per request. Transactions are ordered by most recent first.
Call the Get transaction list or Get transaction list v2 endpoint by sending your application token in the Authorization
header and setting the filters as parameters in the url.
Discover all the filters you can set when sending a request to obtain the list of transactions.
Property | Required | Allowed values | Description |
dateFrom | Yes | Find transactions from a specific date. yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss format. | |
dateTo | Yes | Find transactions up to a specific date. yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss format. | |
bin | No | Filter by BIN number. | |
captureMethod | No | ec , emvf , nfc , msc , key , rec , | Filter by capture method. |
card | No | Filter by masked card number. | |
device | No | Filter by device name. | |
page | No | Indicates the page number of the results. | |
size | No | Number of transactions to return. Default: 100. Max: 600. | |
transactionStatus | No | aprobada , pendiente , rechazadaRiesgo , rechazada , rechazadaProsa | Filter by transaction status. |
transactionType | No | venta , devolucion , checkout | Filter by transaction type. |
transactionId | No | Filter by transaction ID. | |
reference | No | Filter by transaction reference. |
Property | Required | Allowed values | Description |
dateFrom | Yes | Find transactions from a specific date. yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss format. | |
dateTo | Yes | Find transactions up to a specific date. yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss format. | |
bin | No | Filter by BIN number. | |
captureMethod | No | ec , emvf , nfc , msc , key , rec , | Filter by capture method. |
card | No | Filter by masked card number. | |
device | No | Filter by device name. | |
page | No | Indicates the page number of the results. | |
size | No | Number of transactions to return. Default: 100. Max: 600. | |
transactionStatus | No | aprobada , pendiente , rechazadaRiesgo , rechazada , rechazadaProsa | Filter by transaction status. |
transactionType | No | venta , devolucion , checkout | Filter by transaction type. |
transactionId | No | Filter by transaction ID. | |
reference | No | Filter by transaction reference. | |
uniqueReference | No | Filter by unique identifier per transaction generated on the client side to avoid duplicates. For example, UUID. App version 5.0.3 or higher is required to receive this property via Cloud Terminal API integrations. |
Example of request with filters:******5037
If the information submitted is correct and there are transactions in the specified range, you will receive an item with the list of available transactions.
Successful request example:
{"data": [{"transaction_id": 194402170,"authorization_number": "","bank": "BANCOMER","card_brand": "Visa","card_type": "DEBIT","capture_method": "nfc","commission": 0.88,"countercharged": false,"date": "2024-05-14T10:40:57.000Z","details": "Prueba 2","device": "Test device 0001","error_detail": "Transacción no procesada. Fondos insuficientes. Contactar al emisor","masked_card": "424242******4242","msi": null,"retention": 0,"rejection_code": "51","subtotal": 23.98,"surcharge": 0,"tip": 0,"total_amount": 25,"transaction_type": "venta","transaction_status": "rechazadaProsa","vat": 0.14},{"transaction_id": 105242,"authorization_number": "BP4460","bank": "BANCOMER","card_brand": "Visa","card_type": "CREDIT","capture_method": "ec","commission": 8.94,"countercharged": false,"date": "2022-03-11T13:48:12.000Z","details": "Prueba 1","device": "ECOMMDEV01","error_detail": "","masked_card": "424242******4242","msi": null,"retention": 0.93,"rejection_code": null,"subtotal": 437.71,"surcharge": 0,"tip": 0,"total_amount": 449,"transaction_type": "venta","transaction_status": "aprobada","vat": 1.43}],"currentPage": 1,"perPage": 4,"total": 456}
{"data": [{"msi": null,"tip": 0,"vat": 0.08,"bank": null,"date": "2024-07-11T16:53:29.000Z","device": "Device 1","details": null,"cardType": null,"subtotal": 13.48,"cardBrand": "Visa","retention": 0,"surcharge": 0,"chargeback": false,"commission": 0.49,"maskedCard": "400000******0002","errorDetail": "","totalAmount": 14.05,"captureMethod": "msc","rejectionCode": null,"transactionId": 130001,"transactionType": "devolucion","uniqueReference": "3740d203-c6fb-46fb-83f5-6b29c9195fa8","transactionStatus": "pendiente","authorizationNumber": ""},{"msi": null,"tip": 0,"vat": 0.08,"bank": null,"date": "2024-07-11T16:46:18.000Z","device": "Device 1","details": null,"cardType": "CREDIT","subtotal": 13.48,"cardBrand": "Visa","retention": 0,"surcharge": 0,"chargeback": false,"commission": 0.49,"maskedCard": "400000******0002","errorDetail": "","totalAmount": 14.05,"captureMethod": "msc","rejectionCode": null,"transactionId": 130002,"transactionType": "venta","uniqueReference": "2d20aa4b-a26e-4117-90a0-9b0c0d9a19e1","transactionStatus": "aprobada","authorizationNumber": "BP6001"},{"msi": null,"tip": 0,"vat": 0.56,"bank": null,"date": "2024-07-11T15:09:44.000Z","device": "ECOMMDEV00061529","details": null,"cardType": null,"subtotal": 95.94,"cardBrand": "Visa","retention": 0,"surcharge": 0,"chargeback": false,"commission": 3.5,"maskedCard": "400000******0002","errorDetail": "Rechazo por reglas internas","totalAmount": 100,"captureMethod": "ec","rejectionCode": null,"transactionId": 130003,"transactionType": "devolucion","uniqueReference": "","transactionStatus": "rechazada","authorizationNumber": ""}],"total": 31,"perPage": 100,"currentPage": 1}
Example of failed request (V1 and V2):
{"message": ["dateTo is required"]}
Please review the Transactions reference for more information.
Raw card-present API
Transaction list
Get the list of transactions by setting the number of items to return and the results page (if there are multiple). Maximum 10,000 results returned per request.
Consume the Transaction Search endpoint by sending your private key in the Private-Credential-Id
header and setting the necessary filters in the request body.
Discover all the filters you can set when sending a request to obtain the list of transactions.
Property | Required | Allowed values | Description |
page | Yes | Set the page number of the results. | |
size | Yes | Set the number of items returned per request. Maximum 500 items per page. | |
filters.bin | No | Filter by BIN number. | |
filters.client_transaction_id | No | Filter by transaction id generated on your side. | |
filters.start_date | No | Find transactions from a specific date. | |
filters.end_date | No | Find transactions up to a specific date. | |
filters.last_four_digits | No | Filter by the last 4 digits of the card. | |
filters.transaction_reference | No | Filter by transaction id (generated by Kushki). | |
filters.transaction_type | No | balanceInquiry , capture , charge , checkIn , checkout , preAuth , reAuthorization , tip , posTip | Filter by operation type. |
Example of request with filters:
{"page": 1,"size": 10,"filters": {"bin": "541333","end_date": 1712322035152,"start_date": 1712286000000,"last_four_digits": "0653","transaction_type": "preAuth","client_transaction_id": "5bba557f-3df8-4f07-be20-ed1ad6b28c1d","transaction_reference": "62c64ab2-1b09-48bd-ab98-4fa9b1893250"}}
If the information submitted is correct and there are transactions in the specified range, you will receive an item with the list of available transactions:
{"items": [{"amount": {"extra_taxes": {}},"deferred": {},"merchant_id": "20000000106781760000","pos_details": {},"reading_type": "ICC","payment_brand": "VISA","transaction_type": "PREAUTH","transaction_status": "DECLINED","transaction_reference": "Test_Webhook_PREAUTH_D"}]}
Please review the Transactions reference for more information.
Cancel payments
Cancel a previously authorized payment.