Frequently Asked Questions
Check our quick answers to frequently asked questions
How can I get a test account?
You can apply for a free test account from our website. Once your application has been accepted, Kushki will grant you access to the console, an online panel where you can manage your Kushki integration for a specific country.
I have built an integration for several countries, can I use the same test account?
If you are developing an integration for several countries, we recommend you to create an account for each one of them. In this way, you can run tests with the local configuration and currency.
Does Kushki allow processing of international cards?
Kushki allows you to process international cards in certain cases. Contact your sales representative or visit our Support Center for more information on how to do this.
Can I use my test account after obtaining my productive account credentials?
Yes, you can do it. Your test account will not be disabled once you receive your productive account credentials.
What should I do once my integration is completed?
A technical certification is required. Get in touch with us to schedule a certification session where we will perform some tests to verify that your integration runs as expected.
What is tokenization?
Tokenization is a process by which Kushki transforms sensitive customer data into an alphanumeric code called token. When you use a token, it’s not necessary to manage such data directly, and you can make any transaction safely.
Does the token expire?
Yes, it expires. A token has a life span of 30 minutes and can only be used once.
Does Kushki have a pre-designed form for customers to enter payment information?
Yes, it’s called Cajita (Little Box). If you import Cajita on your front end, you will have a pre-designed form. The form will change according to the payment method.
Can I design my own front end form?
Yes, you can do it. You are free to design your own form with the colors and logos of your choice. After obtaining data from your client, you just need to request a token by using one of Kushki’s front end libraries. Check our web guides for more details.
What do I need to have in mind when designing my own form for credit card payments?
Below you will find a list of the validations you need:
- The cardholder’s name is required.
- The credit card number field only allows numbers.
- The credit card field allows a maximum of 16 digits (it may be less).
- The credit card number is required.
- The CVV field only allows numbers.
- The CVV field allows no more than 4 numbers (they may be 3).
- A CVV is required.
- The CVV will be masked so it cannot be read; each character is replaced with symbols such as asterisks (*) or points (-).
- The expiry date must be a valid date (current or future month and year).
- An expiry date is required.
- The Pay button is disabled after the first click.
If I use Cajita, do I have to contact you to obtain a token?
- It is not necessary. Cajita already has built-in tokenization logic. After clicking the Pay button, the Cajita will give you a token.
Can Kushki send a payment confirmation to my integration service?
Yes, it can. We offer you notifications via Webhooks. Check our guidelines on this topic.
How can I configure my Webhook URL in Kushki?
Please, get in touch with us contact with us; our team will need your service’s URL as well as the public ID of your business.
What do I need to receive a notification through my Webhook?
Your Webhook should have the capacity to receive POST requests. It is also important to have a SSL certificate. If you receive notifications correctly, please send us back a 200
status code.
What if my Webhook temporarily fails?
If we receive an error response when we try to notify your service, we will try again every 5 minutes, during the next 5 hours of the initial report.