Webhook for One-Time Payments in Cash
Kushki can send events to the webhook notifying your application in case an authorization is required for accepting a payment made after the deadline (Preauthorization) or to notify the time when your customer made a payment correctly (Payment Notification).
Payment Notification
The webhooks sent by Kushki will contain the headers listed here.
These are the possible variables that are submitted in the webhook body:
Method: POST
Body: Object
Variable | Type |
ticketNumber | string |
token | string |
totalAmount | number |
amount | object |
amount.iva | number |
amount.subtotalIva | number |
amount.subtotalIva0 | number |
amount.extraTaxes | object |
amount.extraTaxes.agenciaDeViajes | number |
amount.extraTaxes.iac | number |
amount.extraTaxes.propina | number |
amount.extraTaxes.tasaAeroportuaria | number |
currency | string |
created | number (Unix Timestamp Format) |
expiration | number (Unix Timestamp Format) |
status | "approvedTransaction" "declinedTransaction" "expiredTransaction" |
identification | string |
name | string |
lastName | string |
merchantId | string |
merchantName | string |
processorName | string |
processorId | string |
transactionId | string |
completedAt | number (Unix Timestamp Format) |
metadata | object |
metadata.key0 | string |
metadata.key1 | string |
description | string |
pin | string |
email | string |
documentType | string |
// Approved Transaction{"country": "Colombia","lastName": "Castro","ticketNumber": "2302011714922359","amount": {"subtotalIva0": 49.99,"iva": 0,"subtotalIva": 0},"completedAt": 1602011733626,"documentType": "CC","created": 1602011714779,"processorType": "gateway","description": "Description of the payment","transactionId": "aaa6c0ce-bd05-4df2-9012-833fa32efa84","merchantName": "Tu Gran Empresa","token": "150af7fa762246cc96572d825e3771f6","totalAmount": 49.99,"identification": "123456789","processorId": "6000000000XXXXXXXXXXXX50336197","pin": "2011731304","merchantId": "20000000*******2000","name": "Juan","currency": "COP","expiration": 1602025005000,"processorName": "Banco Bogota Processor","email": "kushki@kushkipagos.com","status": "approvedTransaction","transactionReference": "aaa6c0ce-bd05-4df2-9012-833fa32efa84"}
// Expired Transaction{"country": "Colombia","lastName": "Castro","ticketNumber": "2302010277786922","amount": {"subtotalIva0": 49.99,"iva": 0,"subtotalIva": 0},"completedAt": 1602010834213,"documentType": "CC","created": 1602010277778,"processorType": "gateway","description": "Description of the payment","transactionId": "0cbe6419-9bc0-46a0-be78-fc81c5c18dea","merchantName": "Tu Gran Empresa","token": "8220ed4ea9fb407abdcfff87ab0f406c","totalAmount": 49.99,"identification": "9999999999","processorId": "6000000000XXXXXXXXXXXX50336197","pin": "2010319472","merchantId": "20000000*******2000","name": "Juan","currency": "COP","expiration": 1602010319000,"processorName": "Banco Bogota Processor","email": "kushki@kushkipagos.com","status": "expiredTransaction","transactionReference": "0cbe6419-9bc0-46a0-be78-fc81c5c18dea"}