Webhook for Payment Distribution in Cash
The webhooks sent by Kushki will contain the headers listed here.
These are the possible variables that are submitted in the Webhook body:
Method: POST
Body: Object
Variable | Type |
ticketNumber | string |
token | string |
totalAmount | number |
amount | object |
amount.iva | number |
amount.subtotalIva | number |
amount.subtotalIva0 | number |
amount.extraTaxes | object |
amount.extraTaxes.agenciaDeViajes | number |
amount.extraTaxes.iac | number |
amount.extraTaxes.propina | number |
amount.extraTaxes.tasaAeroportuaria | number |
currency | string |
created | number (Unix Timestamp Format) |
expiration | number (Unix Timestamp Format) |
transactionStatus | "approvedTransaction" "declinedTransaction" "expiredTransaction" |
documentNumber | string |
name | string |
lastName | string |
merchantId | string |
merchantName | string |
processorName | string |
transactionId | string |
completedAt | number (Unix Timestamp Format) |
metadata | object |
metadata.key0 | string |
metadata.key1 | string` |
description | string |
pin | string |
email | string |
documentType | string |
kushkiAmount | number |
transactionType | "PAYOUT" |
phoneNumber | string |
paymentMethod | "cash" |
// Approved Transaction{"country": "Colombia","lastName": "Gómez","ticketNumber": "481602087838868847","metadata": {"ref1": "Kushki test"},"documentType": "CC","documentNumber": "123456789","processorType": "gateway","description": "Description of the payment","merchantName": "Tu Gran Empresa","processorId": "6000000000160XXXXXXXXXXXXX1786","pin": "2087838888","merchantId": "20000000XXXXXXXX2000","currency": "COP","processorName": "PuntoRed Processor","email": "test@kushki.com","amount": {"subtotalIva0": 50000,"iva": 0,"subtotalIva": 0},"completedAt": 1602087880267,"transactionStatus": "approvedTransaction","created": 1602087815429,"kushkiAmount": 0,"transactionId": "eb41fa79-d936-4798-999a-001fc45767ab","token": "0d951738a6094cd3bec5254dbe35b182","transactionType": "PAYOUT","totalAmount": 50000,"phoneNumber": "0934748855","name": "Rafael","paymentMethod": "cash","expiration": 1602260615429,"transactionReference": "eb41fa79-d936-4798-999a-001fc45767ab"}