How do Cash Payments Work?

Allow your customers without a bank account to purchase your products or services from your website

If your users do not have a bank account or do not want to cover additional charges, due to interests or fees, and you want to provide them with the possibility to purchase products or services through your website or app, the cash payment option is ideal. With this method, your customers will only need the payment reference and cash in order to complete the purchase.

Payment process

The cash payment process consists of generating a reference or code, making the payment at a physical point, and confirming the receipt of the money.

Cash in EN

1. User enters to your website or app

Within your app or website, the user selects the products to buy and goes to the checkout.

2. Selection of payment method

During the checkout, the user selects cash as payment method.

3. Initiate the transaction

Your merchant sends the transfer request to Kushki to initiate the transaction.

4. Reference or payment code

Kushki receives the transaction request and generates the reference/pin and the voucher or payment receipt.

5. Physical point of payment

The user must go to a physical point of any of the collection entities with the receipt or payment reference, there the cashier will validate the data and allow the customer to make the deposit for the amount corresponding to the purchase.

6. Verification

The collection office enters the payment reference, and Kushki confirms that it is correct. The payment is made.

7. Payment

Once the payment reference is confirmed, the cash collection is made and the collection office notifies Kushki.

8. Payment confirmation

Once the user makes the payment, the money from the transaction is credited to the merchant’s account in Kushki, and Kushki notifies the merchant.

9. Notification

As an optional step, the merchant can notify the user of the result of the transaction.

Accept Cash Payments

Start your integration and accept cash payments