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Learn how to integrate Kushki to provide the ideal payment solution for your business

Latest Features

  • Kushki.js Hosted Fields. πŸš€ New functionality / Card payments, One-Click Payments, Recurring payments, Authorization and capture. Introducing Kushki.js Hosted Fields, our new front end library that allows you to make payments in your web application easily, quickly and securely. Check out the full Kushki.js Hosted Fields reference.

  • Webhooks. πŸ“– Updated Guide / Notifications, Webhooks. At Kushki we make sure you receive a callback from Webhook to keep you up to date with the transactions you receive. For this reason, learn about our Webhooks Retry Policy.

  • 3DS. πŸš€ New feature / 3DS. Kushki now supports 3DS 1.0 and 2.0 authentication (depending on the issuer) for Visa and Mastercard brands. This validation is applicable to one-time and recurring card payments.
  • Authorization and capture. πŸš€ New feature / Authorization and capture. Authorization and capture service is enabled for one-time card payments and recurring card payments OneClick. Now you will be able to integrate this functionality with our forms, payment buttons and plugins.
  • Branch Office Management. πŸš€ New feature / Console. If your merchant has different branches, now you can manage your information from a single platform, saving time and facilitating the their integration. For more information, check our guides Branch Office Configuration and Branch Offices Creation and Updating.

  • VTEX. πŸš€ New feature / Plugins. Now, you can accept card, cash, or transfer payments at your Vtex store with Kushki. If you want to know more about our new plugin, check out our Introduction and integration guide.

  • Webhooks with Payment Button. πŸ“š New guide / Notifications, Webhooks, Card payments, Transfer payments, Cash payments. Check this guide for the structure of webhooks sent by Kushki when making a payment via a Payment Button.

  • Shopify. πŸš€ New feature / Plugins. Kushki now accepts payments with Shopify, allowing making transactions in a safe and quick manner, without writing a single line of code. If you want to learn more about our new plugin, check out our Introduction and integration guide.

  • Error codes for transfer dispersions. πŸ’» Update / Transfer Out. You will now be able to receive an error code and a message when a money transfer dispersal is declined. To find out how to receive the information, as well as the meaning of the error codes, check this article.

  • Error Codes for Transfers. πŸ’» Update / Transfer In. You will now be able to receive an error code and a message when a transfer with PSE Avanza is declined. To find out how to receive the information, as well as the meaning of the error codes, check this article.

  • Webhooks. πŸ’» Update / Notifications, Webhooks, Card payments, Transfer payments, Cash payments. You can now receive notifications (webhooks) for each transaction by sending the webhooks object from your back-end. For more information, check our webhooks and Check your webhooks guides.
  • How does it work?. πŸ“– Updated guide / transfer in and cash in. Restructured the overview articles of the transfer in and cash in integrations for all countries.
  • Microdebit. ⚠️ Obsolete / Card Payments. We removed the validation microdebit for recurring payments. Now Kushki, automatically validates that the card is active and in balance.

  • New error codes. πŸ“– Updated guide / Error codes. We implemented new error codes to our catalog to give your users the right answer during their payment experience with PSE avanza.

  • Payout. πŸ“š New Guide /payout. We included a new guide that explains the process of adding money to your Kushki payouts account. Click here for more information.
  • PSE Avanza. : πŸ’» Update / transfer in| ou can now accept bank transfers with the new PSE Avanza experience, which simplifies your paying customer’s experience. Learn here more.
  • WooCommerce Plugin. πŸ“– Guide Updated /Plugins. We include the operation of the plugin: what are the different states of an order, how to process payments with single payment and how to request a refund. Click here for more information.
  • Payment Glossary. πŸ“– Guide Updated / glossary. We have updated our payment glossary. There you will find common terms used in the industry and in Kushki products. Check it out here.

  • Payment button. πŸš€ New feature / Payment button| The new Kushki payment button integrates with your web or website to receive card, cash or transfer payments in a shopping experience controlled by Kushki, quickly and securely. Learn more about it here.

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