Error codes for card-present transactions

Here are the common errors in card-present transactions and how to resolve them

HTTP Status codes

Below, we present the most common HTTP status codes, their associated standard messages, and a description of the response.

Here are the codes you might receive.

200OKThe process was successful; it worked as expected, according to the HTTP method.
400Bad Request
The server cannot interpret the request (incorrect syntax, too large size, missing parameters).
401Authorization Required
The credentials must be authenticated, or authentication failed.
You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this action.
404Not Found
Resource or page not found.
The request cannot be processed due to a conflict with the resource (e.g., multiple simultaneous updates).
The requested resource has been deleted from the server and will no longer be available.
412Precondition failed
It indicates that access to the target resource has been denied.
429Too Many Requests
Too many requests have been sent in a short period of time.
430Request Header Fields Too Large
This status code indicates that the server is unwilling to process the request because its header fields are too large.
500Internal Server Error
An unexpected error occurred on the server.
502Bad Gateway
The server (acting as a proxy or gateway) received an invalid response from the upstream server.
503Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is not available (usually because it is undergoing maintenance or because it is overloaded).
504Gateway Timeout
The server (acting as a proxy or gateway) did not receive a timely response from the other server.

Codes returned by Kushki in card-present transactions

The response codes received from processors and issuers will appear in thekushki_response object, as shown in the following example.

“kushki_response": {
"code": "01",
"message": "Refer to card issuer"

Error 006

This error code appears when Kushki blocks the card, for example if the brand is not supported.

"kushki_response": {
"code": "006",
"message": "Card brand not supported"

In case this code comes from the Card franchises (Visa, Mastercard or Prosa (Mexico), it will have two digits. Below you will find the most common response codes, including declinations:

ISO Error CodeDescriptionSource
00Approved or completed successfullyVisa, Mastercard
01Refer to card issuerVisa, Mastercard
02Refer to card issuer, special conditionVisa
03Invalid merchantVisa, Mastercard
04Pick up card (no fraud)Visa, Mastercard
05Do not honorVisa, Mastercard
07Pick up card, special condition (fraud account)Visa
08Honor with IDMastercard
10Partial ApprovalVisa, Mastercard
11Approved (VIP)Visa
12Invalid transactionVisa, Mastercard
13Invalid amountVisa, Mastercard
14Invalid card numberVisa, Mastercard
15Invalid issuerVisa, Mastercard
19Re-enter transactionVisa
21No action takenVisa
25Unable to locate record in fileVisa
28File is temporarily unavailable for update or inquiryVisa
30Format errorVisa, Mastercard
33Expired cardVisa
34Suspected fraudVisa
35Card acceptor contact acquirerVisa
36Restricted cardVisa
37Card acceptor call acquirer securityVisa
38Allowable PIN tries exceededVisa
39No credit accountVisa
40Command rejectedVisa
41Lost cardVisa, Mastercard
43Stolen cardVisa, Mastercard
46Closed accountVisa
51Insufficient funds/over credit limitVisa, Mastercard
52No checking accountVisa
53No savings accountVisa
54Expired card or expiration date missingVisa, Mastercard
55Invalid PINVisa, Mastercard
57Transaction not permitted to issuer/cardholderVisa, Mastercard
58Transaction not permitted to acquirer/terminalVisa, Mastercard
59Suspected fraudVisa
61Exceeds withdrawal amount limitVisa, Mastercard
62Restricted cardVisa, Mastercard
63Security violationVisa, Mastercard
64Transaction does not fulfill AML requirementVisa
65Exceeds withdrawal count limitVisa, Mastercard
70PIN data requiredVisa
71Issuer PIN Not ChangedMastercard
74Different value than that used for PIN encryption errorsVisa
75Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceededVisa, Mastercard
76Unsolicited reversalVisa, Mastercard
77Invalid/nonexistent ‘From Account’ specifiedMastercard
78Blocked, first used or special conditionVisa, Mastercard
79Reversed (by switch)Visa
80No financial impactVisa
81Cryptographic errorVisa, Mastercard
82Policy / Negative online authentication failureVisa, Mastercard
84Invalid Authorization Life CycleMastercard
85Not declined, valid for all zero amount transactionsVisa, Mastercard
86Cannot verify PINVisa, Mastercard
87Purchase Amount Only, No Cash Back AllowedMastercard
88Cryptographic failureMastercard
89Unacceptable PINMastercard
91Authorization System or issuer system inoperativeVisa, Mastercard
92Unable to route transactionVisa, Mastercard
93Transaction cannot be completed—violation of lawVisa
94Duplicate transmission detectedVisa, Mastercard
96System errorVisa, Mastercard
N0Force STIPVisa
N3Cash service not availableVisa
N4Cash request exceeds issuer or approved limitVisa
N7Decline for CVV2 failureVisa
N8Transaction amount exceeds pre-authorized approval amountVisa
R0Stop payment orderVisa
R1Revocation of authorization orderVisa
R2Transaction does not qualify for Visa PINVisa
R3Revocation of all authorizations orderVisa
Z3Unable to go online; offline-declinedVisa

Response codes returned by Kushki for cancellations and reversal attempts

The response codes received from processors and issuers will appear in the kushki_response object, as shown in the following example.

"kushki_response": {
"code": "01",
"message": "Refer to card issuer"

Below you will find information on the codes and messages sent by Kushki to describe the response codes for requests made with card-present transactions. In the “What to Do?” column, you will find a detailed explanation of the causes and the procedure you should follow.

000Approved Transaction
Indicates that the transaction was successfully approved.
01Refer to card issuer
The cardholder should contact their card issuer to understand why the transaction was declined.
04Capture card
The cardholder should try the transaction again.
05Do not honor
The cardholder should try the transaction again.
12Invalid transaction
The transaction is not allowed by the payment processor or the card issuer. Please contact the card issuer.
32Expired card
The cardholder should use an alternative card.
41Lost card
The cardholder should contact their card issuer to review the case.
57Transaction not permitted to cardholder
The cardholder should contact their card issuer to review the case.
62Restricted card
The cardholder should contact their card issuer to review the case.
91Authorization System or issuer system inoperative
The cardholder should try the transaction again.
92Unable to route transaction
The cardholder should try again or contact the issuer.
6PVerification data failed
Retry the transaction.
E016Refund not available
Check that the refund is within the allowed timeframe.
Test Data

Make any necessary adjustments to your system using the test data.