Moving to Production

Read this guide before you start receiving real payments with Kushki

Once you have obtained a certification for your system integration and received your real or productive account, it is important that you first configure your account before receiving payments from your customers.

Front-end configuration

Depending on your integration technique and type, you must do the following:


In your initialization script, do the following:

  1. Change inTestEnvironment to false
  2. Change merchant_id to the Public Key in your production account

If you use version 2 of Kajita), follow these steps from your Administration Console:

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations > Kajita.
  2. Enable the Production mode option.
  3. Click Publish to confirm that you wish to transfer your Kajita to production mode.
  4. Copy and paste the script of your Kajitas on your website, as explained here.


In your Kushki object, do the following:

  1. Change inTestEnvironment to false.
  2. Change merchant_id, to the Public Key of your productive account.

Kushki.js hosted fields

In your KushkiOptions instance, do the following:

  1. Change inTest to false.
  2. Change publicCredentialId, to the Public Key of your productive account.


In your Kushki object, do the following:

  1. Change environment to KushkiEnvironment.production.
  2. Change publicMerchantId, to the Public Key of your productive account.


In your Kushki object, do the following:

  1. Change the environment to KushkiEnvironment.production.
  2. Change publicMerchantId, to the Public Key of your productive account.

Back end configuration

Through the service you are using to make the call to our API, do the following:

  1. Remove the suffix -uat from the URL. For example, if the url was it will be now
  2. In the call header, change the default Public Merchant Id or the Private Merchant Id to the respective credentials of your productive account, respectively.