Error Codes for declined cash transaction

Learn how to resolve the different error types messages received during declined cash transactions; Kushki API validation.

What types of response codes does Kushki return?

Kushki will return two different response codes to indicate the success or failure of a transaction: processorError and code. The code field returns generic messages. On the other side, the field processorError indicates that the transaction has passed through the processor and has probably been mapped by Kushki in order to provide a specific explanation of the reason why your transaction could not be completed.

Codes returned by Kushki for cash payments

Kushki’s API will perform validations before sending a transaction to the processors. If this is the case, the processorError field will not appear in the response and you will only see the code field. An example of a message returned by Kushki’s API is shown below:

"code": "C001",
"message": "Cuerpo de la petición inválido."

In the table below, generic error codes returned through the code field are summarized.

codemessageWhat to do?
C001Invalid request bodyCheck request body
C002An unexpected error has occurredRetry the transaction; in case the error persists, get in touch with Kushki’s support team so that we can review your case.
C003Invalid tokenFill in the data again and retry
C004Invalid merchant IDCheck public merchant ID or private merchant ID and retry
C005Invalid transaction IDFill in the data again and retry
C006Invalid transaction amountCheck amount to capture and retry
C007Pin submitted does not existCheck pin and retry
C008Transaction is in an invalid statusVerify that the transaction has not been previously paid or voided
C010Third party integration errorContact Kushki’s support team, so we can review your case
C011Error. No attachments in the emailTry another card
C012Invalid transaction statusCheck amount to capture and retry
C017The expiration date is not validContact Kushki’s support team, so we can review your case
C018Transaction does not exist or has been deletedContact Kushki’s support team, so we can review your case
C019Merchant has no businessIdContact Kushki’s support team, so we can review your case
C021No records were found for the search criteria.Retry the transaction; in case the error persists, contact Kushki’s support team so that we can review your case.
C022Unable to delete this transactionContact Kushki’s support team so that we can review your case
C023Unable to update the transactionThis message is displayed when trying to make a partial void, but the amount is higher than the sale amount
C025The merchant does not have any processors availableContact Kushki’s support team so that we can review your case
C026Request signature validation failedRetry transaction
C032No payment networks existContact Kushki’s support team, so we can review your case
C033Transaction previously cancelledTransaction already cancelled
C034Stone webhook validation error-
C035Pin generated by the processor duplicatedPin is duplicated, try to generate a new pin
C036Transaction can no longer be reversedThe transaction is in a status in which it cannot be reversed
C037The transaction went into timeout, please try againRetry the transaction
C038Processor does not existContact Kushki’s support team, so we can review your case
C040The merchant ID does not match the credential submittedAn amount greater than 0 must be submitted in the amount property.
C041The merchant does not have any processors availableContact Kushki’s support team so that we can review your case

HTTP status codes

Kushki will be able to return different HTTP status codes depending on the requests made. There are five categories of standard responses, described in the following image:

HTTP status codes en 800

Below are the most common HTTP status codes, their associated standard message, as well as a more detailed description of the response.

200OKThe process was successful. Everything worked as expected, according to the HTTP method
400Bad RequestThe server cannot interpret the request (incorrect syntax, too large size, missing parameters)
401Authorization RequiredCredentials must be authenticated, or authentication has failed
403ForbiddenDo not have the necessary permissions to perform this action
404Not FoundResource or page not found
409ConflictThe request cannot be processed because of a conflict with the resource (e.g., multiple simultaneous updates)
410GoneThe requested resource has been deleted from the server, and will no longer be available
429Too Many RequestsToo many requests have been sent in a short period of time
430Request Header Fields Too LargeUnofficial code, applies only to Shopify. Similar to code 429
500Internal Server ErrorAn unexpected server-side error occurred
502Bad GatewayThe server (acting as a proxy or gateway) received an invalid response from another server
503Service Temporarily UnavailableThe server is unavailable (usually because it is under maintenance, or because it is overloaded)
504Gateway TimeoutThe server (acting as a proxy or gateway) has not received a response from the other server in time