Transaction search

We'll tell you how transactions received in your POS terminal are sorted and how you can search for them.

This functionality is available for the following models:

☑ Acquirer
☐ Aggregator

Search for transactions on the POS terminal.

Through the endpoint /pos-analytics/v1/transactions/search, you can list the transactions made on your merchant POS terminal. These transactions are displayed in chronological order, with the most recent transactions appearing first. You can use the available filters to search for a specific transaction.

Please follow the steps outlined in the guide available at the API To generate the list of transactions processed by your merchant POS terminal.

List transactions

The request you need to send depends on whether the request contains filters or not.

Search for transactions with filters

"from": 0,
"size": 10,
"filters": {
"bin": "412378010",
"end_date": 1662698398,
"time_zone": "+08:00",
"start_date": 1662694798,
"card_four_digits": "1479",
"transaction_type": "UNKNOWN",
"transaction_reference": "f2f29080-0214-42c0-95a5-77ecf3434cd7"
"pos_details": {
"brand": "SUNMI",
"model": "P2-EU",
"version": "Kushki SunmiV1.1.18",
"terminal_id": ""

Search for transactions without filters

"from": 0,
"size": 10,
"pos_details": {
"brand": "SUNMI",
"model": "P2-EU",
"version": "Kushki SunmiV1.1.18"
Refunds, reversals, or cancellations

Now that you’re familiar with the requirements for accepting transactions and processing various services with card-present transactions, let’s delve into how to handle refunds, reversals, or cancellations.