Test Data

We'll provide you with the information you can use to test the integrations you set up for your POS terminal to communicate with the Kushki API.

How do test data work?

To verify the use of different payment methods, it is necessary to include the code that applies to the scenario you want to test in the amount field, as shown in the following example:

"amount": {
"iva": 10,
"currency": "MXN",
"extra_taxes": {
"tip": 0

When you send “10” in the amountfield (remember that this field corresponds to the sum of all values within the object), you will receive the following response:

"F11": "101675",
"cvm_type": "",
"franchise": "MASTERCARD",
"message_fields": {
"F38": "892478",
"F39": "10"
"kushki_response": {
"code": "10",
"message": "Approved partial"
"transaction_type": "charge",
"authorized_amount": 100,
"additional_amounts": {
"amount": 0,
"card_type": "",
"amount_type": "",
"account_type": "",
"currency_code": ""
"transaction_status": "DECLINED",
"transaction_reference": "0c598cc7-bfd5-4180-8544-34a4f923086e"

In the previous example, the response is shown below:

"kushki_response": {
"code": "10",
"message": "Approved partial"

Card-Present payments

Use the following data to test the reception of the card-present payments.

AmountTransaction modeResponse CodeDescription
10Authorization01Transaction declined. Please contact your card issuer.
40Authorization04The entered card has been reported.
50Authorization05An error occurred while processing the transaction.
74Authorization00Approval (transaction approved with delay).
174Void/Reverse00Approval (transaction approved with delay).

We’ll tell you how notifications for card-present transactions work through Webhooks.