Installation and integration requirements

We inform you about the requirements that your merchant must meet in order to integrate card-present payments

Installation Requirements

To enable the card-present service at your merchant, it is necessary to meet certain installation requirements beforehand. These requirements will allow the exchange of cryptographic keys (tools that facilitate communication between Kushki and your merchant) to be generated under strict standards of security and confidentiality.

This functionality is available for the following models:

☑ Acquirer
☐ Aggregator

What are the operational prerequisites?

  • Have POS terminals certified with PCI PTS V6.0, EMV Contactless L1, EMV L1 and EMV L2.
  • Complete your merchant’s affiliation process with Kushki.
  • Accept the required conditions to receive cryptographic keys on behalf of Kushki.

¿What are the requirements during the integration and onboarding process?

  • Receive the public keys and private keys with which you can authenticate, validate, and authorize transactions from your merchant.
  • Sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) for the HSM (Hardware Security Module) service, which will upload the shared cryptographic key information. This process will ensure key protection, allowing your merchant to access the MYHSM portal.
  • Create and maintain Security Officer (SO) information, including contact details and appropriate SO groups within the portal. These people will be responsible for the security key exchange process.
Process to obtain cryptographic keys for information exchange

Now that you’re familiar with the installation requirements and the certification steps for your merchant’s POS terminals, it’s time to learn how you can obtain cryptographic keys for information exchange between your merchant and Kushki.