Cancel a preauthorization

Release funds from a preauthorization

If you need to cancel an authorization or reauthorization so that funds can be released to the cardholder, you can do so by calling our chargeback cancellation enpoint.

To cancel an authorization or reauthorization, send Void in the transaction_mode, the transaction_reference of the preauthorization or reauthorization to cancel as part of the request body and the client_transaction_id.

You can cancel a preauthorization (preAuth) or reauthorization (reAuthorization) without a card. To do so, send the omit_card field with a value of true.

"amount": {
"iva": 0,
"currency": "CLP",
"subtotal_iva": 0,
"subtotal_iva0": 60000
"omit_card": true,
"transaction_mode": "Void",
"transaction_type": "reAuthorization",
"client_transaction_id": "6680eadc-6c8d-44aa-8ca0-18e061c1472a",
"transaction_reference": "f2f29080-0214-42c0-95a5-77ecf3434cd7"